AFG Clients
At Abrahamsen Financial Group, we serve individuals and families at every stage of their wealth and experiences.
We aim to assist them in maximizing their wealth with improved protection and tax intelligence, so that they can enjoy their preferred way of life in any moment.

These examples are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be deemed a representation of past or future results, and is no guarantee of return or future performance.
Every Step of the Way
There are many factors to consider when selecting an advisor or advisory group: Do you invest with a company like Morgan Stanley or Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, or a firm like ours? What services are provided and how much attention will you receive? Is the investment advisor a fiduciary? Is it independent? Who is it you’re working with?
Investments are not a plan in and of themselves, however. They are only one piece of your finances.

It is not just about an investment plan, but also having an income plan for what and how you will spend, including a Required Minimum Distribution plan and oversight of all the important factors that will play a role in it. And whether it’s in investments or income, the firm must have a macro approach that makes everything work as a whole. This is rare in any other firm, and, in addition to our relationships and our independent position, something that makes us an important firm to consider.
For more about this approach within our wealth management, please be sure to check out Abrahamsen Wealth Management
Our motto says everything: Every Step of the Way.
We have walked side by side with our clients throughout the good, bad, and ugly moments, moving forward no matter the events and experiences.
We’ve held our client's hands over the past 18 years as they experienced divorces, births, business dissociations, kids to college, accidents, and during times of bereavement. It’s been a privilege, and one that we are honored to participate in.

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Every step of the way
Schedule a meeting or register to attend one of our events to learn more about any of our financial planning services
Motivation: Planning to Retire
Motivation: Retired
Motivation: Planning to Retire
Motivation: Early Retirement
Motivation: Working
Concern: Fear of Running out of Money
Motivation: Planning to Retire
Partner Status:
Net Worth:
Financial Service:
Retire Ready Roadmap
This client was a couple that wanted to retire in two years, and they needed to know if they’d be able and what approach to take. Accumulating wealth was something they were familiar with, but having a reliable income stream to replace what they were earning was completely different. They weren’t able to simply start pulling from their accounts unsystematically and hoping for the best—if so, they’d risk experiencing their primary financial fear: running out of money.
They had some money in a brokerage account, but the bulk of their assets were scattered across various tax-deferred retirement accounts, and they were self-directing these investments. In addition, a portion of their assets was sitting in a cash position not earning any rate of return.
They were looking to move out of state when they retired, and they were concerned about market volatility, especially since their investment assets would be their primary form of income. In addition, they had Social Security, RMDs, and LTC concerns in the mix. We investigated all their assets and took time to know their position, and we arranged a master plan that managed their requirements within their means.
Concern: RMDs and Legacy Plan
Motivation: Retired
Partner Status:
Single / Divorced
Net Worth:
Financial Service:
Retire Ready Roadmap
Our client wanted to make sure that if she got ill everything was set up for her to manage it. She was retired and receiving income from a defined benefit pension plan, and she planned to start collecting social security at the age of 70. She was concerned about her RMDs in conjunction with her fixed income assets and the tax liability.
This client had a combination of brokerage accounts, stocks, and IRAs; she also owned two pieces of real estate and was planning on maintaining her residence in New Jersey. In addition, she was interested in transferring wealth to her two daughters tax efficiently. She’d been working with an advisor for 20 years but wanted to make a change and take a different approach to what she had known.
Management of her portfolio was only one aspect of our service for her. We tactically positioned her plan for proper liquidity, legacy, and income, with her objectives and interests in mind, and it was this approach that made her decision to work–and remain–with AFG.
Concern: Accumulation Rate and Distribution Rate
Motivation: Planning to Retire
Partner Status:
Net Worth:
$6.7 Million
Financial Service:
Retire Ready Roadmap
They were successful business owner looking to retire and sell their company’s building. The building proceeds were used to create retirement income. He had an income goal and wanted to create a master plan.
The biggest concern here was taking care of his spouse in which they had a relatively large age gap, he wanted to make sure that she had enough income to last for her lifetime, which presents different needs that must be provided for.
They wanted to understand rates of return and withdrawal rates to maintain their nice lifestyle. They were concerned with market volatility, inflation pressure and wanted to travel the world without the worry. We were able to address all their concerns and provide a retirement income strategy for them to live and enjoy the rest of their lives.
Concern: Income Goal & RMD Strategy
Motivation: Early Retirement
Partner Status:
Net Worth:
$3.5 Million
Financial Service:
Retire Ready Roadmap
Initially the plan was to work for 2 more years and then retire. Most of their assets were in retirement accounts. They owned 2 pieces of real estate and their plan was to retire and sell the home in New Jersey and move to their vacation residence.
They were concerned with market volatility and taxes. We consolidated all their accounts, established an income goal and RMD plan. He decided to retire early after our second meeting.
Sometimes when you see everything laid out accurately people can identify different opportunities to potentially accelerate their goals. It is a proud day for us when we can help people realize retirement sooner.
Concern: Growing Business and Retirement Planning
Motivation: Working
Partner Status:
Net Worth:
$15 Million
Financial Service:
Income to Wealth Blueprint
Currently working and owns 5 restaurants throughout New Jersey and Florida. Most of the business equity is getting reinvested back into the businesses. They wanted to establish a retirement plan.
The challenge was retirement accounts competing with the business’s overall capital requirements. One dollar invested back into the business, or one dollar saved toward retirement. This is every entrepreneur’s dilemma.
We provided them with a solution that allowed them to save toward retirement and simultaneously invest back in their business. In addition, their retirement strategy would produce tax free cash flow for retirement income.